(For English scroll down)
Het einde is in zicht. Het einde van het zonnejaar 2024. Het was een bewogen jaar voor vele. Er is veel veranderd op sociaal, economisch, politiek en op persoonlijk vlak. Vele hebben zich moeten aanpassen aan de veranderde omstandigheden. En dat is ook het devies voor 2025.
Het zonnejaar 2025 zal ons flink door elkaar gaan schudden. Voor sommige zal het de lang verwachte wake up call zijn, voor andere zal het betekenen dat ze een andere weg gaan inslaan dan ze eerder dachten te moeten gaan. Het kan zijn dat je van baan gaat veranderen, je relatie beëindigt of dat je een bestaande relatie gaat intensiveren.
Punt is dat we gaan leren meer naar onze ziel/intuïtie te luisteren en dingen van buitenaf gaan buitensluiten. Alleen dan kunnen we ons hoogste potentieel weten te bereiken. Dat is ook een van onze doelen hier op aarde om je hoogste potentieel te bereiken. Veel mensen leven buiten zichzelf en worden geleefd door de maatschappij.
Dat worden geleefd zit hem vooral in wat jij denkt allemaal te moeten. Wij hoeven in principe niets, maar onze maatschappij eist vaak veel van ons. Dat we meedoen aan allerlei dingen. Dingen die vaak ingaan tegen wat onze ziel van ons verlangt. Veel mensen komen daardoor vaak ook in allerlei problemen omdat ze worden geleefd door de maatschappij. Leer NEE te zeggen tegen dingen die niet overeenkomen met jouw ziel.
Ik weet dat nee zeggen soms moeilijk is omdat we andere mensen niet willen teleurstellen. Doch soms zeggen we ook geen nee omdat we weten dat de ander anders drama gaat maken en gaat inspelen op ons schuldgevoel. En hoeveel je ook van die persoon mag houden en ze leuk vind, ga niet mee in deze giftige spelletjes. Laat ze hun drama maar spelen, je kunt dan heel veel over die persoon leren omdat ze je hun zwakheid laten zien.
Terug naar 2025. Het zonnejaar 2025 zal voor velen een moeilijk jaar worden. Vooral door de oprukkende moderne technologie die steeds verder ons leven zal binnendringen. Ook zal door deze technologie de vereenzaming steeds verder toenemen. Het is dus heel belangrijk dat we ook hier leren nee te zeggen en in contact blijven met de mensen die belangrijk voor ons zijn.
En alleen zijn is op zich niet zo erg, we moeten er alleen niet in verdrinken. Dan verliezen we namelijk de realiteit uit het oog en gaan we ons nog verder afsluiten voor de dingen die echt belangrijk zijn. Geloof me, ik ben ervaringsdeskundige en heb mezelf vaak moeten corrigeren.
Ook op het gebied van klimaat zullen we veranderingen zien die soms een stevige impact op ons leven kunnen gaan hebben. Het magnetische veld van de aarde wordt steeds zwakker en de noord en zuidpool reizen met ongeveer 40 km per jaar naar elkaar toe. In 2025 kan er een versnelling gaan plaatsvinden van dit proces waardoor Zonne uitbarstingen en kosmische straling nog gemakkelijker het aard oppervlak zal weten te bereiken.
Dit kan ook meer natuurgeweld veroorzaken. Denk dan aan meer stormen, droogtes, hitte golven, overstromingen, aardbevingen en aan meer Aurora Borealis aan de hemel. Wat veel mensen niet weten en door de mainstream wetenschap en media niet wordt verteld is dat de zon alles beïnvloed hier op aarde. Het was heel duidelijk zichtbaar tijdens het Amerikaanse orkaan seizoen. Er was een Zonne uitbarsting in de tijd dat Helene Amerika trof en zorgde voor heel veel meer schade. Ook aardbevingen worden beïnvloed door de zon via de elektrische stroming die er is tussen de zon en de aarde. Immers alles is met elkaar verbonden. Niet alleen hier op aarde maar ook in ons melkwegstelsel en de rest van het Universum.
Op 20 Januari wordt Donald J. Trump beëdigd als 47ste president van de Verenigde Staten. Ik hoop dat ik het mis heb, maar ik heb er een naar gevoel bij. Niet dat hij President wordt, maar of hij 20 januari wel gaat halen? Ik heb het gevoel dat er nog een aanslag op hem gepleegd gaat worden. Het is iemand die niet will dat Trump zijn taak als President gaat uitvoeren en ik heb sterk het gevoel dat het iemand is uit de beveilig.
Wie ook President moge worden, ik hoop dat die zijn best gaat doen om deze wereld veiliger te maken. Dat alle oorlogen worden beëindigd en dat mensen van over de gehele wereld de hulp gaan krijgen die ze nodig hebben om hun leven weer op te bouwen. Dat geldt voor de Oekraïne, Palestina, Israël, Syrië, Sudan, Jemen en de vele andere oorlogen of conflict gebieden die we niet zien in het nieuws of gewoon niets van weten.
Het is tijd om de wereld te helen van alle wonden die we bij onszelf, andere en in de wereld hebben veroorzaakt. Als we een goede toekomst willen voor onszelf en de generaties die na ons komen, dan is het van belang dat we alle wonden gaan helen en stoppen met ons giftige gedrag naar onszelf, naar andere en naar de wereld. Wij de mensen die nu leven zijn de mensen waarop wij hebben gewacht om stevige stappen te zetten naar een betere toekomst voor ons allemaal.
Als we niets doen en niet weten te slagen is het echt afgelopen. Zet dus je beste beentje voor in 2025 en laat dingen gebeuren zoals jij die voor ogen had. Deze zieke wereld moet genezen en daarbij hebben we iedereen nodig. Geen politieke agenda meer niet meer liegen maar duidelijk communiceren over hoe zaken werkelijk zijn en wat wij allemaal eraan kunnen doen om het te verbeteren. En ik zal alvast twee leugens ontkrachten, klimaatverandering kunnen wij niet tegenhouden omdat het een natuurlijk proces is van de aarde. Het vind al miljarden jaren plaats op deze planeet. Klimaatverandering wordt ook niet veroorzaakt door de mens, het is de zon, kosmische straling en de aarde zelf die ervoor zorgen dat ons klimaat aan het veranderen is.
Heb een mooi, gezond, liefdevol, harmonieus en magisch 2025 en wees een lief voor elkaar. We zijn allemaal mensen ongeacht ons geslacht, huidskleur, geloof, seksuele voorkeur en emotionele bagage. Niets is onmogelijk, dus maak het mogelijk.
Peter68 © ® 26-12-2024
The end
The end is in sight. The end of the solar year 2024. It was an eventful year for many. Much has changed socially, economically, politically and on a personal level. Many have had to adapt to the changed circumstances. And that is also the motto for 2025.
The solar year 2025 will shake us up considerably. For some it will be the long-awaited wake-up call, for others it will mean that they will take a different path than they previously thought they should. It could be that you will change jobs, end your relationship or intensify an existing relationship.
The point is that we must learn to listen more to our soul/intuition and shut out things from outside. Only then can we reach our highest potential. That is also one of our goals here on earth to reach your highest potential. Many people live outside of themselves and are lived by society.
That being lived is mainly in what you think you should do. In principle we don't have to do anything, but our society often demands a lot from us. That we participate in all kinds of things. Things that often go against what our soul demands of us. Many people often get into all kinds of problems because they are being lived by society. Learn to say NO to things that do not correspond with your soul.
I know saying no is sometimes hard because we don't want to disappoint other people. But sometimes we don't say no because we know the other person will make drama and play on our guilt. And no matter how much you may love and like that person, don't play along with these toxic games. Let them play out their drama, you can learn a lot about that person because they are showing you their weakness.
Back to 2025. The solar year 2025 will be a difficult year for many. Especially because of the advancing modern technology that will increasingly penetrate our lives. This technology will also increase loneliness. It is therefore very important that we also learn to say no here and stay in touch with the people who are important to us.
And being alone is not so bad in itself, we just shouldn't drown in it. Then we lose sight of reality and we close ourselves off even more from the things that are really important. Believe me, I am an expert by experience and have often had to correct myself.
We will also see changes in the area of climate that can sometimes have a major impact on our lives. The magnetic field of the earth is becoming increasingly weak and the north and south poles are moving towards each other at about 40 km per year. In 2025, this process may accelerate, making it even easier for solar flares and cosmic radiation to reach the earth's surface.
This can also cause more natural disasters. Think of more storms, droughts, heat waves, floods, earthquakes and more aurora borealis in the sky. What many people do not know and are not told by mainstream science and media is that the sun influences everything here on earth. It was very clearly visible during the American hurricane season. There was a solar flare at the time that Helene hit America and caused a lot more damage. Earthquakes are also influenced by the sun via the electrical current that exists between the sun and the earth. After all, everything is connected. Not only here on earth but also in our galaxy and the rest of the universe.
On January 20, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. I hope I am wrong, but I have a bad feeling about it. Not that he will become President, but whether he will make it to January 20? I have the feeling that another attack will be made on him. It is someone who does not want Trump to carry out his duties as President and I have a strong feeling that it is someone from the security.
Whoever becomes President, I hope that he will do his best to make this world safer. That all wars will be ended and that people from all over the world will receive the help they need to rebuild their lives. That applies to Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and the many other wars or conflict areas that we do not see in the news or simply do not know about.
It is time to heal the world from all the wounds that we have caused to ourselves, others and in the world. If we want a good future for ourselves and the generations that come after us, it is important that we heal all wounds and stop our toxic behaviour towards ourselves, towards others and towards the world. We, the people who are alive now, are the people we have been waiting for to take solid steps towards a better future for all of us.
If we do nothing and do not succeed, it is really over. So put your best foot forward in 2025 and let things happen as you envisioned. This sick world must heal and we need everyone to do so. No more political agenda, no more lying, but clear communication about how things really are and what we can all do to improve it. And I will already refute two lies, we cannot stop climate change because it is a natural process of the earth. It has been taking place on this planet for billions of years. Climate change is also not caused by humans, it is the sun, cosmic radiation and the earth itself that are causing our climate to change.
Have a beautiful, healthy, loving, harmonious and magical 2025 and be a sweetheart to each other. We are all human regardless of our gender, skin colour, religion, sexual preference and emotional baggage. Nothing is impossible, so make it possible.
Peter68 © ® 12/26/2024
donderdag 26 december 2024
Het einde - The end
woensdag 18 december 2024
Moeilijk - Difficult
People who know me well know that autumn, but especially winter, are not my best period. Cold and a lack of sunlight make my life difficult then. I have to do my utmost not to drown in all the misery that goes through me. December, January and February are my least favourite months of the year.
As I said, cold and a lack of sunlight play tricks on me then, my mood sometimes drops far below freezing point. There are all kinds of remedies such as Evening Primrose pills and a daylight lamp, but they don't work well for me. Yes, I am a strange bird, everything works a little differently for me than for normal people. I don't know why that is, but it is so.
In the past, I suffered incredibly badly from my horror childhood memories. I have now processed all of them and they no longer bother me. Yet there are still things that bother me, that I can't really put into words and therefore can't do much with. They are feelings and emotions. You can say, hide them away, sweep them under the rug, but that's not how I am.
I want to work with those feelings and emotions so that I can get to know them better. It may sound strange, but I am strange. 🤪 By getting to know those feelings and emotions, I also get to know myself better. I learn why something affects or triggers me. To put it briefly, I want to go to the unfathomable depths of myself. If I get to know myself better, I am also better able to empathize with other people's feelings.
So, just like every other person, I am a work in progress. I don't know exactly what that work will bring me, but that is not really important. What I do find important is that I can perhaps evolve further because of it. Evolving is a big thing/goal for me. Not only for the sake of evolving itself, but I refuse to have to reincarnate on this planet again.
I love Mother Earth, she is a beautiful and sexy planet. But I find the games that are played here with people and souls downright barbaric. No, I'm not going to tell you all that's wrong in this world, if you can think a little you can figure it out for yourself. All that injustice hurts me and makes me sad. For example, I read today that a bunch of fraudulent bank employees are not being prosecuted by the justice system. But the customers of those banks can pay the bill. It's all so unfair.
Peter68 © ® 12/18/2024
zondag 24 november 2024
Freddie Mercury & Queen
Queen - Somebody To Love (1976)
Today, November 24, 2024, it is 33 years ago that dear Freddie Mercury died from pneumonia and AIDS. Freddie Mercury and Queen have left a deep mark on my life. Not only musically, but also with art, culture, film and poetry. Their first three albums "Queen I, Queen II and Sheer Heart Attack" are full of art and poetry. Queen II is my absolute favourite album, it was also the first album I bought from them. I didn't even buy it for the music, I had never heard of Queen in 1974. I was a 6-year-old boy who had received some record vouchers for his birthday. The cover of Queen II especially attracted me at the time. It triggered something in me from a previous life, I discovered many years later. The pose that Queen has on that album resembles a Celtic cross. When I listened to the album, a world opened up for me and a lifelong love began between me and the music of Queen.
Freddie Mercury was a special man who had a dream and lived it. As he himself said, "I will not become famous, I will become a legend" and that is what he became. I have seen many concerts of them in different countries and they were always sublime. No artist could give such a show as Queen. Only the very greatest such as Bowie and Springsteen "who I have also seen myself" could come close.
Queen was and still is a special rock band with an enormously rich history. According to many, they are the fathers of the video clip and have made all kinds of music styles such as blues, jazz, speed rock, hard rock, rock, dance and pop. And as solo artists they also knew how to keep the quality high, as the solo works of Freddie, John, Roger and Brian testify.
Worldwide they have sold many millions of records and CDs and their concerts were always sold out. They also contributed to the film music of the cult films Flash Gordon and Highlander. And of course there was the iconic performance in Wembley Stadium for Live Aid in 1985 where Queen showed the world who they were and what a joy their music could bring.
For me that performance is equal to the coming of The Beatles in the 60’s. Something I did not experience myself, but I am an empathetic person so I can imagine it. That was also a bright spot in a dark time. And even after dear Freddie's death, Queen still managed to shine with Paul Rodgers as singer. I think the album "The Cosmos Rocks" is a fantastic album and has made Paul Rodgers even better when I listen to albums of him from after his time with Queen. I think the current singer Adam Lambert is a bit over the top. He is a great guy, good singer and performer, but for me he is a bit over the top. But I've become a little conservative in recent years.
Peter68 © ® 24-11-2024
zondag 17 november 2024
A Global Storm is Coming soon 🌪
I have known about what is in the video below for a few months. I have the nasty habit "for some" of looking ahead and sensing what is coming. The year 2024 was not an easy year, we have gone through many shifts that many do not even know about yet and that is okay. As long as everyone keeps moving along, it is good. Those who do not do so are taken out of the game and may fulfil their tasks elsewhere in the Universe.
What is coming in the coming months will be tough for many "including myself". The utmost will be asked of us both physically and mentally. And it is up to us to do our best to fulfil our tasks here. On 11/01 a door was opened from where very strong energy flows to us. This energy was doubled again on 11/11. Most will have felt or perceived it.
It is now up to us to work/play with that energy in the coming period so that we can plant new seeds for a new earth and let old systems and structures collapse at an ever-increasing pace. Something new can only arise when the old has been completely swept away, so be thorough and ground yourself well.
Pluto has been in opposition to Mars for several weeks now. First in Cancer and now in Leo. This will certainly continue for some time because Pluto does not rotate that quickly and Mars will go retrograde in December. At the same time, Pluto also makes a Trine to Uranus in Taurus. And that will also continue for a while because Uranus is not a fast planet either. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, Mars is the God of war and Uranus is the planet of sudden surprises and revolution.
We have seen a voter revolution in America at the beginning of November where future President Trump not only won the presidency, but also managed to get the majority in both Congress and the Senate. I don't think that has happened since Ronald Reagan. So Trump can govern as he wishes. There are also elections scheduled for next year in Europe. In Germany, possibly in the UK and who knows, maybe even in the Netherlands. And there too, revolutions can take place.
But that's not all. We will also have to work hard on climate/weather in the coming year. Not only for ourselves, but especially for nature. No matter how you look at it, without our nature we are nowhere, then it is simply the end of the story for humanity. I don't think that is what we are waiting for. So what I want to say is, make the right choices in your life. Make them from your heart. Only listen to your intuition and no longer to what others tell you. And by others I mean the media and politics. They have deceived us, lied to us, manipulated us and brought us to the brink of the abyss.
Enjoy listening to the video. 😉
Peter68 © ® 11/17/2024
donderdag 7 november 2024
Old wine in new bottles
Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, as I suspected. From now on, it will be America first and the world second. Not that I mind. For decades, I have been of the opinion that Europe should stand on its own two feet. Unfortunately, most European politicians prefer to follow the lead of the US instead of standing up for our European interests. I would prefer to see the US isolate itself completely, just like it used to. And yes, that could lead to war in Europe again, but that is just the way it is.
Europe must learn to develop itself and show its true face to the world. Since the Second World War, we have hidden behind the US. And we are very grateful to the US for what they did for us during and after the war, but it is time for Europe to stand on its own two feet. And that was and is also Trump's message. It has now been almost 80 years since the war and so it is time for Europe to grow up and develop its own identity.
Europe consists of 51 countries, each with its own culture and history. It would be great if we could bring all 51 countries together to create a new future together. A future in which prosperity, freedom and brotherhood/sisterhood are central. Yes, then we will first have to find a solution for the war that is now raging between Russia and the Ukraine, but I am sure that both countries are open to a satisfactory solution.
Then we can start to repair the war damage, both the mental and the physical damage. It is also important that we repair the political damage. A lot has been said and done in recent years, things that have caused a lot of damage throughout Europe. It has also put the relations within Europe on edge and we must therefore defuse that before it blows up in our faces.
I hope that European politicians remember that they are where they are to serve the interests of the people and not to carry out their own dark agendas. A good politician serves his people. If he or she cannot do that, then he or she is not a politician but a pocket filler. A parasite that is busy at the expense of the people with things that are not in the interest of the people and the country. I have noticed that a lot of money is wasted by politics, money that could be better spent.
For example, in Europe there should be investments in real education, better health care that is accessible to everyone, in nature, the climate "without the climate lies", education, youth care, sports, elderly care, far fewer rules for citizens and entrepreneurs and infrastructure, to name but a few sore points. There is plenty of work to be done for Europe so that we can develop our own identity and together build a bright future for all residents of our beautiful Europe.
Peter68 © ® 11/07/2024
maandag 4 november 2024
I sometimes wonder
I sometimes wonder how long I and many other people who see through all the veils and illusions still have to wait? Have to wait until the masses finally wake up? I have been waiting since the late 70’s / early 80’s. I have been disappointed many times, or perhaps my patience has been tested.
For example, I think back to the Occupy organization that caused a lot of furore in various countries around 2011 but quickly fizzled out. I visited them in Amsterdam where they were on the stock exchange square and in Arnhem. I was homeless at the time and wanted to share my knowledge about protests, but also the knowledge I had acquired in my 15-year political career.
Unfortunately, I met a weakling in Amsterdam where my knowledge fell on deaf ears. People were also not interested in my political knowledge, and so I left fairly quickly and went wandering again, disappointed. In addition to all the other problems I had at that time, it was not a good feeling that I had then. For the first time in years I was enthusiastic about something again, and maybe I could help them achieve their goals. That was of course idealistic and vain hope.
As a former politician I know how deeply rooted the financial institutions are in our society. They really do not let themselves be pushed aside by a few thousand people who want change. If they feel threatened in their power, they create more roots to penetrate even deeper into all systems. You will have to dig up the entire globe to eradicate the financial system root and branch.
During the Covid hoax, there were also protests in the Netherlands by people against all the ridiculous measures, for freedom and against a possible vaccination requirement. These were often brutally suppressed by the police pigs. No, I am not a fan of the police, they have only themselves to blame for that.
I will not elaborate on how or why, but if you, as a tough police officer, are going to knock a 6 or 7 year old child out of a tree with your baton, then you have ruined it for good with me. Then you can get the middle finger from me and I often gave them that at all the demonstrations I used to visit in the late 70s / early 80s.
I can only hope that humanity/the masses will wake up soon. Maybe then they can really start living. What we do now is nothing more than a stupid routine that we repeat daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. Soon we will have to go through that feast carousel again, Saint Nicholas, Christmas and New Year's Eve. I will be happy when February 1st arrives, then we will have all those parties and the nothing month of January behind us and we can slowly start focusing on spring.
Peter68 11/04/2024
donderdag 31 oktober 2024
Samhain 2024
Another year has passed, it has gone by quickly. As I get older, the years seem to pass by faster and faster. So you say December and it is already August. It is of course an illusion, but we have started to live faster, which is why people experience more and more stress.
People have to do more and more in one day. Not only from themselves but also from society. People have to achieve goals and targets in so much time. If you can't do that, there must be something wrong with you. The latter is of course nonsense, but our world is full of all kinds of nonsense, so don't worry about it.
Every person can do a certain number of things in one day. If more is demanded of you and you can't do it, don't let them tell you that there is something wrong with you and please don't let them talk you into taking pills or other junk. Those kinds of things really don't make you perform better, that is a fable or illusion.
The past Celtic year was difficult and was full of all kinds of important transformations on a consciousness level. This process will of course continue. Tomorrow 11/1 is such a day, for example. Then follow 11/11, 11/22, 12/12 and 12/21. These are all important portal days. In addition, the planetary positions provide the necessary energies to help us overcome certain inner obstacles.
On November 20, Pluto leaves Capricorn after 15 years and will then stay in Aquarius for the next 15 years. We will certainly notice this in the change of energy. This will not happen overnight, but for those who pay attention it will certainly become noticeable in the coming months. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and is, together with Mars, Uranus and mini-planet Chiron, a very powerful planet. Incidentally, it will take until October 24, 2255 before Pluto will appear in Capricorn again, Pluto slowly turns its circle around the sun and is also the furthest away from it. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to complete one orbit around our sun.
I will celebrate Samhain today in my own way as I have done for many years with a fire in the garden, good food, a beautiful forest walk and of course gratitude in my heart. The past Celtic year was not easy as I wrote before. But I was able to overcome many inner obstacles. There were also disappointments, one of which deeply touched my heart. ................................................ 💔
But there were also nice and beautiful moments that filled my heart with gratitude and love. The coming Celtic year is once again full of obstacles, challenges and above all opportunities. It will certainly not be an easy year. We will often be shocked by revelations, but it will create a clearer picture for us so that we can take the right steps. Have a blessed Samhain everyone.
Peter68 © ® 31-10-2024
zondag 27 oktober 2024
Presidential elections in America
I have looked at what the American presidential elections that will take place on November 5th have to offer us. What I see does not make me happy. Harris or Trump, Trump or Harris and then we have not even talked about their running mates.
I feel sorry for the American people, that the two largest parties in the country have not been able to put forward two better candidates. We could not expect anything better from the Democrats, that party has been taken over by dark forces that are out to destroy America, something that Harris has already been busy with under President Biden.
The Republicans are coming with old servant and former President Donald Trump. In 2016 I was a wholehearted supporter of Trump because he was exactly what America and the world needed, a kick in the ass. I had hoped for Kennedy, but he has since joined Trump. So if I have to choose between these two candidates, I would choose Trump again.
I am a Democrat by birth but as I said, the Democratic party has been taken over by dark forces. They no longer fight for freedom and equality but for slavery and the wilful destruction of the United States of America. Moreover, the Democratic party is regularly associated with paedophilia, rape, child/women/human trafficking and the trade in drugs and other narcotics. Not really something you want to be associated with. I have also become a bit more conservative over the years.
Incidentally, this does not exonerate the Republican party, they do not have a clean slate either, but their crimes are less serious in my eyes. There it is mainly about tax evasion, foreign bank accounts, house-owning and gambling. And furthermore, it is mainly a stronghold of the old boys network.
Another thing is what both parties want for the world. Trump wants peace in Ukraine, while Harris wants a full-scale war with Russia. Harris wants what Hilary Clinton already wanted in 2016. A full-scale war with Russia where even nuclear weapons can be used. This war will then mainly be fought on European soil and I, as a European, am not waiting for that. I want a fitting solution to the Ukraine problem that Russia can accept. The Ukrainians can then return home and the world can then perhaps recover from this misery.
That Clinton then and Harris now want a war with Russia is mainly because of the many raw materials that both Ukraine and Russia have. And whoever has Russia in his power is the boss of the world, something I do not wish for the elite of this world. These 1% super rich of the world have already helped our world to hell enough. All systems that they have created to keep humanity small and fearful must disappear. Humanity is capable of so much more than it has shown so far. We all have brains but most people only use less than a quarter of their brain capacity.
Imagine what would happen if we were to use half or even all of our brain capacity. And this in combination with all of our DNA. Many scientists say that most of the DNA we have is junk DNA, but that is a lie. If we would learn to use all our brains and DNA there would be no more diseases we would no longer do slavish work that does not make us happy and there are many more advantages. But like everything it is about money and fat profits for anonymous shareholders, so we are fooled, manipulated and are sold well-packaged lies.
So Harris or Trump, Trump or Harris. It's a tough decision, I wish I could give the American people a better choice. Unfortunately, this is it, Harris or Trump, Trump or Harris. Let's take a look at the running mates of both presidential candidates. Trump has named JD Vance as his running mate and Harris has named Tim Walz as her running mate.
JD Vance, Republican, hardliner Conservative, anti-abortion, pro-gun, capitalist, nationalist, power-hungry, liar, wind vane, pro-family and is against NOT having children. I found that last one striking. Suppose you have and don't want children, then suddenly a pen pusher comes along and tells you that you should have children. He will probably wrap that in an American national jacket as only Americans can, patriotic as they are.
Tim Walz, Democrat, veteran, former football coach, former teacher, pro-abortion, pro-legalization of cannabis, is not averse to a lie and is hiding things that the American public should know. I read his biography online and he has a nice track record, but there are things missing, dark things.
So in conclusion, if I had to vote for the American Presidency, I would vote for the Trump/Vance team. That is for me the lesser of two evils and I find JD Vance an interesting person who, at his young age (40), can still go far if he plays his cards right. I hope a little, despite his conservative attitude, that he still has an open mind for the challenges that lie ahead in America and the world. As a world, we are at yet another crossroads where courage is needed and the necessary fires need to be put out. We know who Trump is and what he can do from his previous Presidential term. My hope is that Vance can make a positive contribution to a new Trump term. I will be honest, I have hesitated for a long time. I do not like either candidate "Trump and Harris", but when I look at their running mates, the scale tips more towards Vance than towards Walz. Moreover, I also have an aversion to Kamala Harris, who for me is Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi in a different package. So that has nothing to do with her being a woman, if she even is a woman? You never know with those Woke Democrats. But my preference is for Trump and Vance.
Peter68 © ® 10/27/2024
dinsdag 22 oktober 2024
Martelingen I - Tortures I
Ik herinner ze nog allemaal, de martelingen die ik moest ondergaan.
De stalen pijp die meerdere keren tegen mijn rug werd geslagen, de sigaretten die op mijn huid werden uitgedrukt, de pijltjes uit het luchtdrukpistool, de glazen flessen die op mijn hoofd kapot werden geslagen, de stenen die naar mij werden gegooid, de klappen en schoppen en de duw die ik kreeg op een vijftien meter hoge bouwsteiger waardoor ik naar beneden viel. Gelukkig voor mij lag er een hoop zand. Door de val kneusde ik mijn pols en enkel, maar ik had wel dood kunnen zijn of in een rolstoel kunnen belanden.
En dat zijn slechts de fysieke martelingen die ik moest ondergaan, de psychische martelingen waren net zo erg en ze hebben, net als de fysieke martelingen, hun littekens nagelaten. Ze vonden plaats tussen maart 1972 en juni 1983. In 1983 had ik eindelijk de kracht gevonden om tegen mijn martelaars "mijn eigen familie" op te staan en te zeggen, het is genoeg geweest. Ik schreef ze een brief waarin ik alles opsomde wat ze mij hadden aangedaan. Een neef kwam om mij nog een les te leren, die heb ik de deur uitgetrapt. Ik kreeg nog wat krokodillentranen van een tante en bedreigingen van neefjes en men wilde mij een inbraak in de schoenen schuiven, maar die heb ik allemaal genegeerd, het was genoeg voor mij.
Je vraagt je je misschien af wat die mensen mankeerde? Dat heb ikzelf ook lang gedaan, totdat ik begreep waar zij vandaan kwamen. Ik keek terug naar hun ouders. Hun ouders hadden de tweede wereldoorlog meegemaakt en verschrikkelijk geleden tijdens de hongerwinter. natuurlijk is het geen excuus, maar ik begreep plots waar hun gestoorde gedrag vandaan kwam. Ik ben altijd anders geweest en in hun ogen was ik ook de zwakste schakel binnen de familie. Ik keek anders tegen dingen aan, deed dingen anders, dacht anders en ging nooit mee met de massa. Mode, trends, hypes, het was niet aan mij besteed en dat vond men vreemd. Een neef van me wilde altijd de nieuwste mode hebben, ik liep altijd in een spijkerbroek en T-shirt. En dan vroegen ze, wilde je er niet goed uitzien en erbij horen? Nee, ik ben zoals ik ben en ik ga me niet aanpassen omdat de mode dat zo voorschrijft.
Terugkijkend in de familiegeschiedenis en vaak luisterend naar oude familie verhalen begreep ik steeds meer waarom zij hadden gedaan wat ze hadden gedaan. Het waren projecties van hun eigen onvermogen. Projecties die ze fysiek en psychologisch op mij hadden geprojecteerd. Ikzelf wist toen nog niet goed hoe daarmee om te gaan. Ik had geen ouders die mij dat konden leren en mijn oma bij wie ik vaak was, was zelf ook zwaar beschadigd door de oorlog, het verlies van een dochter "mijn moeder" en haar scheiding. Ik had in mijn jeugd dus te maken met allemaal beschadigde mensen.
Ik ben sowieso van mening dat de Nederlandse regering slecht is omgegaan met de bevolking na de tweede wereldoorlog. De meeste mensen moesten maar doen alsof er niets was gebeurd. En mensen die terugkwam uit concentratiekampen hadden het helemaal zwaar. Joodse mensen waren alles kwijt, inclusief hun huis en bezittingen. Mijn opa die militair was zat gevangen in een Pool officierenkamp "mijn opa was Luitenant-kolonel in het Nederlandse leger" en werd na terugkomst naar Nederland Indië gestuurd om daar de opstand de kop in te drukken. Hij wilde in eerste instantie niet, maar na het dreigement, dat als hij niet ging zijn gezin iets ging overkomen is die toch gegaan.
Bij terugkomst in Nederland was die nog meer getraumatiseerd dan die al was door zijn verblijf in het Poolse officierenkamp. En hij was niet de enigste die zwaar getraumatiseerd terugkwam. Sommige van zijn regiment hebben na terugkomst zelfmoord gepleegd, ze konden niet omgaan met alle verschrikkingen die ze de afgelopen tien jaar van hun leven hadden meegemaakt. Je mag je ook afvragen wat de Nederlandse regering toen heeft bezielt? Misschien dachten ze dat ze na vijf jaar oorlog weer op de oude voet door konden gaan. Maar de Nederlandse regering en het koningshuis waren een stelletje op macht beluste idioten. Ze gaven niets om het Nederlandse volk dat zo had geleden onder de nazi bezetting. Dat vond ik als 10 jarig kind en dat vind ik nog steeds, ook over de huidige regering "los van welke partijen er aan de macht zijn", het zijn allemaal klootzakken inclusief het koningshuis.
Peter68 © ® 22-10-2024
Tortures I
I still remember them all, the tortures I had to endure.
The steel pipe that was repeatedly hit against my back, the cigarettes that were put out on my skin, the darts from the air gun, the glass bottles that were smashed on my head, the stones that were thrown at me, the blows and kicks and the push I received on a fifteen-meter high construction scaffolding that made me fall down. Luckily for me there was a lot of sand. The fall bruised my wrist and ankle, but I could have died or ended up in a wheelchair.
And these are only the physical tortures I had to endure, the psychological tortures were just as bad and, like the physical tortures, they have left their scars. They took place between March 1972 and June 1983. In 1983 I finally found the strength to stand up to my torturers "my own family" and say, enough is enough. I wrote them a letter in which I listed everything they had done to me. A cousin came to teach me another lesson, I kicked him out the door. I got some crocodile tears from an aunt and threats from nephews and they wanted to pin a burglary on me, but I ignored them all, it was enough for me.
You may wonder what was wrong with those people? I did that myself for a long time, until I understood where they came from. I looked back at their parents. Their parents had experienced the Second World War and suffered terribly during the Hunger Winter. Of course it is no excuse, but I suddenly understood where their crazy behaviour came from. I have always been different and in their eyes I was also the weakest link in the family. I looked at things differently, did things differently, thought differently and never went along with the crowd. Fashion, trends, hypes, it was not for me and people found that strange. A cousin of mine always wanted to have the latest fashion, I always wore jeans and a T-shirt. And then they asked, didn't you want to look good and fit in? No, I am who I am and I'm not going to change because fashion dictates.
Looking back at the family history and often listening to old family stories I understood more and more why they had done what they had done. They were projections of their own inability. Projections that they had physically and psychologically projected onto me. I myself did not know how to deal with that. I had no parents who could teach me that and my grandmother, with whom I was often, was also severely damaged by the war, the loss of a daughter "my mother" and her divorce. So in my youth I had to deal with all kinds of damaged people.
In any case I am of the opinion that the Dutch government treated the people badly after the Second World War. Most people had to pretend that nothing had happened. And people who returned from concentration camps had it really hard. Jewish people had lost everything, including their homes and possessions. My grandfather who was a soldier was imprisoned in a Polish officers' camp "my grandfather was a lieutenant colonel in the Dutch army" and was sent to the Dutch East Indies after his return to suppress the uprising there. At first he didn't want to, but after the threat that if he didn't go something would happen to his family he went anyway.
When he returned to the Netherlands he was even more traumatized than he already was from his stay in the Polish officers' camp. And he wasn't the only one who returned severely traumatized. Some of his regiment committed suicide after returning, they couldn't cope with all the horrors they had experienced in the past ten years of their lives. You may also wonder what possessed the Dutch government at that time? Maybe they thought that after five years of war they could continue as before? But the Dutch government and the royal family were a bunch of power hungry idiots. They didn't care about the Dutch people who suffered so much under the Nazi occupation. That's what I thought as a 10 year old child and I still think that, also about the current government "regardless of which parties are in power", they are all assholes including the royal family.
Peter68 © ® 10/22/2024
donderdag 10 oktober 2024
Krachten bundelen - Joining forces
(For English scroll down)
Ze zeggen dat de wereld in brand staat
Dat komt door alle ongenoegen en haat
Mensen kunnen niets meer van elkaar verdragen
Maar er is ook nog weinig wat ze kan behagen
Waarom, waarom gedragen vele zich als beesten
Kunnen ze alleen nog over het ongeluk van andere feesten
Waarom hebben wij elkander niet meer lief
In plaats het veroorzaken van al dat grief?
We zijn allemaal mensen
Met bepaalde wensen
O mensheid ontwaak toch uit deze slaap
Wees niet langer een schaap
Schut van u af de programmering die ons alle is aan het slopen
Laat u niet langer verleiden om waardeloze onzin te kopen
Religie en politiek gaan ons niet helpen of redden
Daar durf ik zelf mijn leven om te verwedden
We zullen zelf de koe bij de horens moeten vatten
En ons niet laten onderschatten
De mensheid is tot zoveel meer in staat dan het heeft gedaan
Het is de hoogste tijd om een andere wegen in te slaan
Door onze krachten te bundelen kunnen we bergen verzetten
Als we samenwerken, kan niemand ons dat beletten
Een hand die de oude systemen doet verdwijnen
Opdat wij niet langer hoeven weg te kwijnen
Geef elkander in liefde en respect de hand
Help elkaar uit de brand
Door ons meer met elkaar te verbinden
Zullen wij de juiste weg weten te vinden.
Peter68 © ® 10-10-2024
Deze krabbel mag NIET worden gedeeld.
Joining forces
They say the world is on fire
That's because of all the discontent and hatred
People can't stand each other anymore
But there's also little left that can please them
Why, why do so many behave like beasts
Can they only party about other people's misfortunes?
Why don't we love each other anymore
Instead of causing all that grief?
We are all human beings
With certain desires
Oh humanity, wake up from this sleep
Don't be a sheep any longer
Shake off the programming that is destroying us all
Don't let yourself be tempted to buy worthless nonsense any longer
Religion and politics will not help or save us
I dare bet my life on that
We will have to take the bull by the horns ourselves
And not let ourselves be underestimated
Humanity is capable of so much more than it has done
It is high time to take a different path
By joining forces we can move mountains
If we work together, no one can stop us
One hand that makes the old systems disappear
So that we no longer have to wither away
Give each other a hand in love and respect
Help each other out of the fire
By connecting more with each other
We will know how to find the right path.
Peter68 © ® 10/10/2024
This scribble may NOT be shared.
dinsdag 8 oktober 2024
I'm completely off track and lost
And I am feeling exhaust
There's something going on inside of me, a big fight
It's as bright as the sun and as dark as the night
Even the cigarette is back
But I don't mind, even if it gives me a heart attack
I'll get through this, they will disappear
But when is still unclear
I will fight till the bitter end
I can tell you that my friend
It's not like it used to be
Really stopping means a lot to me
Still, I have to find my way back first
That fight is the worst
But with my life experience and alien powers
I should be able to move towers
I need to find out who I really am?
I need to put an end to that old program
Ctrl, Alt, Delete can be tried
Maybe then I can also erase my pride.
Peter68 © ® 10/08/2024
This Scribble may NOT be shared.
maandag 30 september 2024
Herfst - Autumn
(Scroll down for English)
Het is weer herfst, wat gaat het allemaal snel. En zoals iedere herfst "je kunt er de klok gelijk op zetten" raak ik van mijn padje af. Ik kan wel de zonsverduistering van 10/02/2024 de schuld geven, maar dat is een slap excuus. Iedere herfst breekt er iets in mij wat ik niet kan verklaren. Als de blaadjes gaan vallen en de eerste herfst regens zijn geweest gaat het helemaal mis met mij. Dan komen alle donkere en duistere gedachtes naar boven drijven.
Misschien dat ze denken, mooi de zon heeft nog weinig invloed op hem dus laten we naar boven drijven en hem weer eens stevig aanpakken. Het is al zo sinds mijn jeugd jaren en niemand kan het verklaren. De enigste verklaring die ik heb is dat ik op zonne-energie loop, zonder veel zonlicht kan ik moeilijk leven. Misschien had ik beter in een woestijn geboren kunnen worden, dan had ik iedere dag zon.
En het ligt niet aan dat ik alleen ben, ik ben het grootste gedeelte van mijn leven alleen. Ik hou ervan alleen te zijn. Toen ik getrouwd was zakte ik ook iedere herfst door het spreekwoordelijke ijs. Dat was geen pretje voor mijn vrouw toen, maar ze deed meer dan haar best om het mij naar de zin te maken en daar ben ik haar nog steeds dankbaar voor. Ik mis dat soms, maar gedane zaken nemen geen keer.
En nu anno 2024, 13 jaar na mijn scheiding moet ik het mezelf naar de zin zien te maken. Niet altijd even gemakkelijk, maar ik doe mijn best en dat is het belangrijkste. Misschien maar weer terug in mijn ei gaan of zo en daar geduldig wachten tot het weer lente wordt ergens in februari, maart of april. Ik kijk er nu in ieder geval al naar uit. De bloemetjes, het jonge groen aan de bomen en die vervloekte feestdagen "Sinterklaas, kerst en oude en nieuw" ver achter mij.
Nee, ik ben geen feestbeest, nooit geweest en zal ik ook nooit worden. Ik ben een aardig serieus mens die vaak nadenkt/ filosofeert over het leven en de wereld waarin wij moeten leven met alle psychopaten aan de top en de politiek en media die gewone mensen hebben verraden. En kom nou niet aan met dooddoeners als, het leven is een groot feest en je moet zelf de slingers ophangen, dan heb je bij mij al verloren. Dan luister ik niet eens meer naar je. Dus als je van me af wilt go ahead.
Ik leef mijn leven op mijn eigen manier met al zijn fucking ups en downs. En ik geniet op mijn eigen manier van de dingen die ik heb, hoor, zie en van de natuur natuurlijk. De natuur is mijn tweede thuis en mijn kerk. Ik geniet van bepaalde films/series, muziek, mijn Edelstenen, mijn tuin, sommige mensen, dieren "zoals het hondje van mijn buren die dagelijks honden snacks bij mij komt halen, dingen die ik zie op straat of in het bos, maar ik geniet het meeste van de natuur die mij op een bepaalt zielsniveau weet te bereiken en te raken. Ik kan het moeilijk uitleggen, de meeste mensen zullen het ook niet begrijpen omdat ze te ver van de natuur zijn komen af te staan. Heb een fijne herfst of lente als je op het zuidelijk halfrond woont.
Peter68 © ® 09/29/2024
It's autumn again, how fast it goes. And like every autumn "you can set your watch by it" I get off track. I can blame the solar eclipse of 10/02/2024, but that's a lame excuse. Every autumn something breaks in me that I can't explain. When the leaves start to fall and the first autumn rains have been, things go completely wrong with me. Then all the dark and gloomy thoughts come floating up.
Maybe they think, great, the sun has little influence on him yet, so let's float up and tackle him firmly again. It's been like this since my youth and no one can explain it. The only explanation I have is that I run on solar energy, without much sunlight I can hardly live. Maybe I should have been born in a desert, then I would have had sun every day.
And it's not because I'm alone, I've been alone most of my life. I like being alone. When I was married, I also fell through the proverbial ice every autumn. That was no fun for my wife at the time, but she did more than her best to please me and I am still grateful to her for that. I sometimes miss that, but what's done is done.
And now in 2024, 13 years after my divorce, I have to try to please myself. Not always easy, but I do my best and that's the most important thing. Maybe I should go back into my egg or something and wait patiently until spring comes again somewhere in February, March or April. In any case, I'm already looking forward to it. The flowers, the young green on the trees and those cursed holidays "Saint Nicholas, Christmas and New Year's Eve" far behind me.
No, I'm not a party animal, never have been and never will be. I am a pretty serious person who often thinks/philosophizes about life and the world we have to live in with all the sycophants at the top and the politics and media that have betrayed ordinary people. And don't come up with platitudes like, life is a big party and you have to hang up the streamers yourself, then you have already lost with me. Then I won't even listen to you anymore. So if you want to get rid of me go ahead.
I live my life in my own way with all its fucking ups and downs. And I enjoy the things I have, hear, see and of course nature in my own way. Nature is my second home and my church. I enjoy certain films/series, music, my Gemstones, my garden, some people, animals "such as my neighbour’s dog who comes to get dog snacks from me every day, things that I see on the street or in the woods, but I enjoy most of nature that manages to reach and touch me on a certain soul level. I find it difficult to explain, most people will not understand it either because they have become too far removed from nature. Have a great fall or spring if you live in the Southern Hemisphere.
Peter68 © ® 29/09/2024
maandag 23 september 2024
Wereld - World
(For English scroll down)
Ik zie van alles de revue passeren waarvan je je maar moet afvragen of het werkelijk waar is? De Britse regering die boeren probeert om te kopen om een aantal jaren geen voedsel meer te produceren. De Canadese regering die hoe dan ook probeert om mensen zich verplicht te laten vaccineren inclusief een vaccinatie paspoort. En zo zijn er nog meer verhalen die mij via Twitter bereiken al vermoed ik dat vele complot theorieën zijn. Ik volg zelf al jaren geen media meer, maar via Twitter zie ik af en toe nog wel eens wat voorbij komen. Als ik u vertel dat de wereld een gekkenhuis is, dan vertel ik u niets nieuws.
Ik vraag me vaak af waar het naartoe moet met de wereld. Komt er nog meer gekte, staan we aan de vooravond van Wereldoorlog III, gaat men dan kernwapens inzetten of gaat het volk nu eindelijk eens wakker worden en krijgen we eindelijk wereldvrede? Het kan alle kanten op, niets is immers onmogelijk in dit Universum, maar ik ben voor wereldvrede en een einde aan de clownswereld.
De oorlog tegen het volk begon op 9/11/2001, we zijn dus al heel wat jaren op weg en ik heb er mijn buik meer dan vol van. Ook de steeds verder oprukkende technologie irriteert mij mateloos. Zelf bij mijn bank moet ik nu moeilijk gaan doen om bij mijn eigen bankrekening te kunnen komen. Vroeger was een gebruikersnaam met wachtwoord voldoende, toen kregen we een digipas waar je codes op in moest toetsen en nu moet je een code gaan aanvragen waar ik niets van begrijp.
Al je ziet in het nieuws is haat en oorlog. Haat jegens buitenlanders en oorlog in de Oekraïne en Israël. Wist u dat er zich 56 conflicten afspelen op de wereld waarbij spraken is van een vorm van oorlogsvoering? 56 conflicten wereldwijd waarvan er vele al vele jaren gaande zijn, maar waar de wereldgemeenschap niets heeft kunnen doen om ze op te lossen. De VN is als opvolger van de Volkerenbond destijds opgericht om dit soort problemen op te lossen. Helaas is de VN gekaapt door de elite en globalisten die baad hebben bij meer conflicten in de wereld. Deze elite globalisten leveren ook wapens aan beiden partijen. Dat is geen complot theorie, daar zijn vele bewijzen van te vinden via het internet.
In de VS maakt men zich op voor de presidentsverkiezingen begin November 2024, al vraag ik mij af of die er wel zullen komen. De strijd gaat tussen Trump en Harris, meer keuze hebben de Amerikanen ook niet bij mijn weten. Alle andere onafhankelijke kandidaten zijn er mee gestopt, zelfs outsider Kennedy. Niet echt een keuze, of ben ik een verwende Europeaan? Wij hebben vaak de keuze uit meer dan tien kandidaten, al zijn de vier grootste partijen vaak degene die aan het langste eind trekken. Maar soms als de kiezers het helemaal zat zijn kan daar zomaar ineens een verrassing uit de hoek komen.
Ik ben altijd een groot aanhanger van de democratie geweest. Niet zoals men die in de VS of hier in Nederland/Europa heeft, maar een volledige democratie waar burgers volledige rechten hebben om volksvertegenwoordigers terug te fluiten via referenda. Waar ook de commissaris van de Koning en burgemeester worden gekozen door het volk. Kortom, waar het volk een veel grotere rol speelt in het reilen en zeilen van de politiek. Daar heb ik mij ook altijd voor ingezet tijdens mijn vijftien jarige politieke carrière. Ooit was ik heel dichtbij mijn doel, we zouden een referendum krijgen en een gekozen burgemeester, maar toen puntje bij paaltje kwam moest ik genoegen nemen met een niet bindend afgeslankt referendum en een ongekozen burgemeester.
Het niet bindende afgeslankte referendum is helaas inmiddels ook al weer afgeschaft. De regering vond het volk te dwars. Wij stemde tegen de Europese Grondwet en tegen het Oekraïne verdrag. Beiden met goede reden. De politiek trok zich er zoals gewoonlijk niets van aan. Met twee kleine aanpassingen werd de Europese grondwet en het Oekraïne verdrag ons door de strot heen geduwd. De laatste jaren kunnen wij niet meer spreken van een democratie, maar meer van en technocratie, waarbij de besluitvormers worden geselecteerd op basis van hun expertise op een bepaald verantwoordelijkheidsgebied, met name met betrekking tot wetenschappelijke of technische kennis. We konden dit vooral goed zien tijdens de corona/covid19 hoax.
Zoals gezegd, ik heb 15 jaar in de politiek gewerkt en ken dus de ins en outs. En hoewel ik dus een groot aanhanger van de democratie ben, heb ik al vele jaren niet meer mijn stem uitgebracht. Waarom niet? Omdat het niet mijn tijd en energie waardig is. Er is geen enkele partij waarvan ik het gevoel heb dat die mij vertegenwoordigd. Bovendien, al die politici liegen en manipuleren erop los dat het een lieve lust is. Al die partijen hebben een duur verkiezingsprogramma, na de verkiezingen ligt dat programma in de prullenbak. In Nederland is er nooit een partij die de meerderheid krijgt, dus moet er een coalitie gesmeed worden waarbij partijen dus vaak water bij de wijn moeten doen. De beste onderhandelaar kan dan de meeste kastanjes uit het vuur slepen, wat voor de andere partij dan betekend dat ze geen water maar antivries in hun wijn hebben.
Tot slot, ik filosofeer graag over tal van onderwerpen. Aangemoedigd door de oude meesters Plato, Aristoteles, Socrates en Rudolf Steiner die mij hebben geleerd mijn hersens te gebruiken. Zij stelden dat, als je je hersenen gebruikt creëer je ook een bredere horizon, waardoor je dus een open en vrijdenkend mens kunt zijn. Ik was volgens mijn vader een vrije denker waar ook mijn rebels gedrag vandaan kwam. En nog steeds bekijk ik zaken van verschillende kanten waardoor ik een breder overzicht heb van wat er zich afspeelt. Je kunt dingen zwart/wit bekijken, maar er zijn kleuren waardoor je dus weer een heel ander perspectief krijgt. Daarnaast bekijk ik ook graag de dingen vanuit een helicopterview om zo een nog beter beeld te kunnen krijgen en vergeet ook de wortels niet. Wat is de wortel van het probleem waar je tegenaan bent gelopen? Ja ik weet het, het is veel werk, maar achteraf gezien ook weer niet. Ik werk graag doelgericht om zo de juiste oplossingen te kunnen vinden. Wel, ik nog even wat filosoferen over mezelf.
Peter68 © ® 23-09-2024
I see all sorts of things passing by that you have to wonder if it is really true? The British government that is trying to bribe farmers to stop producing food for a few years. The Canadian government that is trying to force people to get vaccinated, including a vaccination passport. And there are more stories that reach me via Twitter, although I suspect that many are conspiracy theories. I have not followed the media for years, but I still see things passing by via Twitter every now and then. If I tell you that the world is a madhouse, I am not telling you anything new.
I often wonder where the world is going. Will there be more madness, are we on the eve of World War III, will they use nuclear weapons or will the people finally wake up and will we finally have world peace? It can go either way, after all, nothing is impossible in this Universe, but I am in favour of world peace and an end to the clown world.
The war against the people started on 9/11/2001, so we have been on our way for many years and I am more than fed up with it. The ever-advancing technology also irritates me immensely. Even at my bank I now have to make things difficult to get to my own bank account. In the past, a username and password were sufficient, then we got a digipass where you had to enter codes and now you have to request a code that I do not understand at all.
All you see in the news is hatred and war. Hatred towards foreigners and war in the Ukraine and Israel. Did you know that there are 56 conflicts taking place in the world where there is talk of a form of warfare? 56 conflicts worldwide, many of which have been going on for many years, but where the world community has been able to do nothing to solve them. The UN was founded as a successor to the League of Nations to solve these kinds of problems. Unfortunately, the UN has been hijacked by the elite and globalists who benefit from more conflicts in the world. These elite globalists also supply weapons to both parties. That is not a conspiracy theory, there is much evidence of that on the internet.
In the US, they are preparing for the presidential elections in early November 2024, although I wonder if they will happen. The battle is between Trump and Harris, the Americans do not have more choice as far as I know. All other independent candidates have dropped out, even outsider Kennedy. Not really a choice, or am I a spoiled European? We often have a choice of more than ten candidates, although the four largest parties are often the ones that come out on top. But sometimes, when the voters are completely fed up, a surprise can suddenly come out of the corner.
I have always been a great supporter of democracy. Not like they have in the US or here in the Netherlands/Europe, but a full democracy where citizens have full rights to whistle back their representatives via referendums. Where the King's Commissioner and mayor are also elected by the people. In short, where the people play a much greater role in the ins and outs of politics. That is what I have always worked for during my fifteen-year political career. I once came very close to my goal, we would get a referendum and an elected mayor, but when push came to shove I had to settle for a non-binding, slimmed-down referendum and an unelected mayor.
The non-binding, slimmed-down referendum has unfortunately also been abolished. The government found the people too stubborn. We voted against the European Constitution and the Ukraine treaty. Both with good reason. Politics, as usual, paid no attention to it. With two minor adjustments, the European Constitution and the Ukraine treaty were forced down our throats. In recent years, we can no longer speak of a democracy, but more of a technocracy, in which decision-makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a specific area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge. We could see this especially well during the corona/covid19 hoax.
As I said, I worked in politics for 15 years and therefore know the ins and outs. And although I am a great supporter of democracy, I have not cast my vote for many years. Why not? Because it is not worth my time and energy. There is no party that I feel represents me. Moreover, all those politicians lie and manipulate like crazy. All those parties have an expensive election program, after the elections that program is in the trash. In the Netherlands, there is never a party that gets the majority, so a coalition has to be forged in which parties often have to make concessions. The best negotiator can then drag the most chestnuts out of the fire, which for the other party means that they have not water but antifreeze in their wine.
Finally, I like to philosophize about many subjects. Encouraged by the old masters Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and Rudolf Steiner who taught me to use my brain. They stated that if you use your brain, you also create a broader horizon, which means you can be an open and free-thinking person. According to my father, I was a free thinker, which is also where my rebellious behaviour came from. And I still look at things from different angles, which gives me a broader overview of what is going on. You can see things in black and white, but there are colours that give you a completely different perspective. In addition, I also like to look at things from a helicopter view in order to get an even better picture and do not forget the roots. What is the root of the problem you have encountered? Yes I know, it is a lot of work, but in retrospect it is not. I like to work purposefully in order to find the right solutions. Well, I’m going to philosophize a bit about myself.
Peter68 © ® 9/23/2024
zondag 15 september 2024
Something to think about
zaterdag 7 september 2024
Zoveel - So many
(For English scroll down)
Zoveel gedachtes
Zoveel twijfels
Zoveel vragen of ben ik te oud?
Ik probeer me een weg te banen door het leven
Ik probeer naar doelen/idealen te streven
Ik probeer, maar het is me niet allemaal gegeven
Stapje voor stapje ga ik vooruit
Stapje voor stapje ga ik achteruit
Stapje voor stapje, of sta ik al jaren stil?
Zovele gedachtes, vragen en twijfels
Zovele misstappen die in het verleden zijn gemaakt
Zovele oplossingen die ik maar niet kan zien
Vuur en onrust schieten door mijn aderen
Alsof ik voel wat is aan het naderen
Ik en het leven zijn raar
Maar ik kan je een dingen vertellen, dit gedicht is klaar.
Peter68 © ® 07-09-2024
So many
So many thoughts
So many doubts
So many questions or am I too old?
I try to make my way through life
I try to strive for goals/ideals
I try, but it is not all given to me
Step by step I go forward
Step by step I go backwards
Step by step, or have I been standing still for years?
So many thoughts, questions and doubts
So many missteps that have been made in the past
So many solutions that I just cannot see
Fire and unrest shoot through my veins
As if I feel what is approaching
Me and life are strange
But I can tell you one thing, this poem is finished.
Peter68 © ® 09/07/2024
vrijdag 6 september 2024
Don't look back
They say never look back. "But why not? If you don't learn from your past, how can you go into the future? You will make the same mistakes over and over again because you didn't look at your past. Your past has precious information for you so that you can build a solid foundation in the here and now for your future.”
I've had this discussion in the past with many people who said that you shouldn't look back, let alone live there "in the past." And although I partly agree with them, the past also has good things to offer. But first let's look at our past.
Look at all the wars? The first world war would be the last world war. Barely 20 years later the second world war started. Then came the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the 6 day war, the wars in South America, the war in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, the wars in Africa, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and so on.
We humans do not learn, because we refuse to look at our past. And I understand, it is difficult to look at a period in which you have done the most barbaric things to your fellow man, but if we want real peace in this world, then we will have to stop the war in ourselves. And that can only be done by looking at our past.
When I look at how we live now and how we lived in the past, I choose the past without a doubt. There are many things from the past that I would choose over what we have now. Many things that we have now, I don't need at all. Think for example of a smartphone, a fat bike, SUV's, all those modern additions to our food and drinks, cameras everywhere, telephone masts everywhere that spread their destructive radiation, solar panels, windmills, electric bicycles, all those modern electrical household appliances and I can go on and on.
We had time for each other, I didn't have to make an appointment anywhere, I could just walk in. That was the case with family and companies. Most people buy their things online these days, in the past we went shopping and there was also a much larger range of shops. Not only the big chain stores, but also many independent entrepreneurs. You were also not constantly distracted by annoying bells and beeps from your phone, you didn't have those, yes at home there was one on the wall or on the dresser. I definitely didn't have a nice childhood, but we had fun, were always outside and with the little things we had at hand we made something of it.
They say that everything is better in the past. Not everything, but a lot. I wouldn't mind going back to 1960 with the knowledge of today.
Peter68 © ® 09-06-2024
zondag 1 september 2024
Oorlog - War
(Scroll down for English)
Er zijn momenteel 56 grotere en kleine oorlogen in de wereld gaande, het hoogste aantal sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog. En terwijl de regio waar ik woon zich opmaakt voor de 79ste herdenking van operatie Market Garden en de slag om Arnhem, worden er op andere plekken in de wereld duizenden mensen afgeslacht omdat ze anders zijn, een andere politiek aanhangen, een andere godsdienst aanhangen of vechten voor hun geboorterecht, vrijheid.
Ik stelde me net de volgende vraag op Twitter:
"Why does humanity still behave like a barbaric caveman? Why do we still wage war after all the horrors of the past centuries? Have we learned nothing at all? Conflicts should be resolved at the negotiating table and not on a barbaric battlefield."
In het jaar 2023 vielen er 162.000 doden door oorlog wereldwijd, waarvan de meeste in de Oekraïne en Gaza. Oorlogen hadden niet alleen regionaal, maar ook wereldwijd een negatief effect op de economie. Hoewel er natuurlijk flink wordt verdiend aan de wapenhandel, werden aller daagse dingen zoals brandstof gezondheidszorg en voedsel flink duurder waardoor steeds meer mensen in de armoede belanden. En nu we al die cijfers kennen blijft de vraag, waarom blijven we dit doen? Volgens oosterse wijsgeren komt de hang naar geweld en oorlog voort uit een diepe haat voor onszelf. Deze haat projecteren dat soort mensen op de buitenwereld met alle gevolgen van dien.
Laten we daarom ons verstand gebruiken, werken aan onszelf, we hoeven onszelf niet te haten en oorlogen zijn niet nodig. De mensheid is in staat tot zoveel moois en goed. Het is tijd om dit soort kinderachtige onzin van wraak los te laten, het is tijd om elkaar te leren begrijpen en respecteren. We zijn allen een, afkomstig van dezelfde bron. Ik weet dat dit voor sommige mensen moeilijk te aanvaarden is, doch is het de naakte waarheid en zelfs wetenschappelijk bewezen. Stop dus met al die mind games, wees eerlijk tegenover jezelf en andere, het is tijd voor een wereldwijde VREDE.
Peter68 01-09-2024
There are currently 56 major and minor wars going on in the world, the highest number since World War II. And while the region where I live is preparing for the 79th anniversary of Operation Market Garden and the Battle of Arnhem, thousands of people are being slaughtered elsewhere in the world because they are different, adhere to a different policy, follow a different religion or fight for their birth right, freedom.
I just asked myself the following question on Twitter:
"Why does humanity still behave like a barbaric caveman? Why do we still wage war after all the horrors of the past centuries? Have we learned nothing at all? Conflicts should be resolved at the negotiating table and not on a barbaric battlefield."
In the year 2023, 162,000 people died in war worldwide, most of them in Ukraine and Gaza. Wars had a negative effect on the economy not only regionally, but also globally. Although a lot of money is of course made from the arms trade, everyday things such as fuel, healthcare and food have become considerably more expensive, causing more and more people to end up in poverty. And now that we know all those figures, the question remains, why do we keep doing this? According to Eastern philosophers, the desire for violence and war stems from a deep hatred for ourselves. People like that project this hatred onto the outside world with all the consequences that entails.
So let's use our minds, work on ourselves, we don't have to hate ourselves and wars are not necessary. Humanity is capable of so much beauty and good. It is time to let go of this kind of childish nonsense of revenge, it is time to learn to understand and respect each other. We are all one, coming from the same source. I know that this is difficult for some people to accept, but it is the naked truth and even scientifically proven. So stop all those mind games, be honest with yourself and others, it is time for a worldwide PEACE.
Peter68 09/01/2024
donderdag 29 augustus 2024
Moderne Liefde - Modern Love
(Scroll down for English)
Het klinkt misschien een beetje vreemd, maar ik begrijp mensen niet meer als het over liefde en relaties gaat. Ik heb deze zomer her en der wat video's, films en live dingen zitten kijken en ik viel soms bijna van mijn stoel. Wat maken mensen het elkaar moeilijk tegenwoordig. En het gaat vaak in eerste instantie niet om de liefde, maar om materiële zaken.
Ik zag een video uit Amerika waarin een vrouw die op een date zou gaan met een man eisten dat die man ging betalen voor de kapper, nagels, lingerie, parfum, overige kleding en schoenen. Er was nog niet eens sprake van een relatie, het was hun eerste date. De man weigerde heel verstandig, bestelde een pizza en keek een film met zijn vrienden.
Het was overigens niet het enigste wat deze vrouw van de man eisten. Als er een relatie zou zijn dan wilde ze ook geld van hem hebben om van te leven, een auto zodat zij naar haar vrienden kon bezoeken en als kers op de taart moest de man ook nog eens al zijn vrienden gedag zeggen zodat die al zijn tijd aan haar kon besteden en van alles voor haar kon doen. Ze wilde dus in feiten een slaaf en geldautomaat waar ze ook seks mee kon hebben.
In een park zag ik van dichtbij ook iets tussen een man en een vrouw waarin de man en vrouw eisen aan elkaar stelde in hun relatie. Zij wilde zijn uiterlijk veranderen, hij wilde dat ze het contact met bepaalde mensen zou verbreken. Ik wilde er iets van zeggen, maar ik heb wijselijk mijn mond gehouden. Maar wat maken mensen het elkaar zo moeilijk tegenwoordig?
Mijn ex-vrouw interesseerde het niet dat ik lang haar had destijds, eisten ook geen geld van me voor allerlei dingen en wilde mij niet veranderen. Ze viel op mijn innerlijk, de persoon die ik toen was en op mijn mooie lange gespierde benen. En ik wilde haar ook niet veranderen en stelde ook geen eisen aan haar. Ik accepteerde haar zoals ze was.
En er waren heel wat verschillen waar we over hadden kunnen discussiëren. Zo was ik van katholieke huize en zij van streng protestantse, ik ben spiritueel aangelegd en zij ziet dat als duivels, ik had een bepaalde kijk op de wereld die zij niet had, maar al die verschillen die we toen hadden hebben ons er toen niet van kunnen weerhouden om een relatie op te bouwen. We hielde van elkaar en dat was het enigste wat belangrijk was.
Tijdens onze relatie en later huwelijk hebben we beiden water bij de wijn moeten doen in naam van onze liefde voor elkaar. Voorbeeld, zo ben ik een tijdje naar een voor haar acceptabel kerk gegaan, zij is later naar mijn kerk gegaan, ik ben me gaan interesseren voor dingen die zij leuk vond en zijn begon zich te verdiepen in dingen die ik leuk vond. Het is geven en nemen in de naam van de liefde.
Wat ik dus wil zeggen, maak het elkaar niet zo moeilijk, laat de liefde spreken, sluit compromissen waar nodig, accepteer elkaar zoals je bent en probeer elkaar niet te veranderen. Als er dingen moeten veranderen dan gebeurd dat vanzelf, dat heet evolutie. Ik ben echt niet meer dezelfde persoon die ik was in 1990 toen ik mijn ex-vrouw leerde kennen. Ik heb geleerd van haar en water bij de wijn gedaan en hetzelfde geldt voor mijn ex.
Peter68 © ® 29-08-2024
Modern Love
It may sound a bit strange, but I don't understand people anymore when it comes to love and relationships. I've been watching videos, movies and live stuff here and there this summer and I almost fell off my chair sometimes. People make it difficult for each other these days. And it's often not about love at first, but about material things.
I saw a video from America in which a woman who was going on a date with a man demanded that the man pay for the hairdresser, nails, lingerie, perfume, other clothes and shoes. There wasn't even a relationship yet, it was their first date. The man very sensibly refused, ordered a pizza and watched a movie with his friends.
Incidentally, it wasn't the only thing this woman demanded from the man. If there was a relationship, she also wanted money from him to live on, a car so she could visit her friends and as the icing on the cake, the man also had to say goodbye to all his friends so that he could spend all his time on her and do all sorts of things for her. So in fact she wanted a slave and an ATM that she could also have sex with.
In a park I also saw something up close between a man and a woman in which the man and woman made demands of each other in their relationship. She wanted to change his appearance, he wanted her to break off contact with certain people. I wanted to say something about it, but I wisely kept my mouth shut. But why do people make it so difficult for each other these days?
My ex-wife didn't care that I had long hair at the time, didn't demand money from me for all kinds of things and didn't want to change me. She fell for my inner self, the person I was then and for my beautiful long muscular legs. And I didn't want to change her either and didn't make any demands of her. I accepted her as she was.
And there were quite a few differences that we could have discussed. So I was from a Catholic family and she was from a strict Protestant family, I am spiritually inclined and she sees that as devilish, I had a certain view of the world that she did not have, but all those differences that we had at that time could not stop us from building a relationship. We loved each other and that was the only thing that mattered.
During our relationship and later marriage we both had to make compromises in the name of our love for each other. For example, I went to a church that was acceptable to her for a while, she later went to my church, I started to take an interest in things that she liked and she started to delve into things that I liked. It is give and take in the name of love.
So what I want to say is, don't make it so difficult for each other, let love speak, make compromises where necessary, accept each other as you are and don't try to change each other. If things have to change, it will happen automatically, that is called evolution. I am really not the same person anymore that I was in 1990 when I met my ex-wife. I learned from her and made compromises and the same goes for my ex.
Peter68 © ® 08/29/2024