vrijdag 6 september 2024

Don't look back

Another tweet from me from Twitter, my most important and only social platform since I got banned from Facebook. They say never look back.

"But why not? If you don't learn from your past, how can you go into the future? You will make the same mistakes over and over again because you didn't look at your past. Your past has precious information for you so that you can build a solid foundation in the here and now for your future.”

I've had this discussion in the past with many people who said that you shouldn't look back, let alone live there "in the past." And although I partly agree with them, the past also has good things to offer. But first let's look at our past.

 Look at all the wars? The first world war would be the last world war. Barely 20 years later the second world war started. Then came the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the 6 day war, the wars in South America, the war in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, the wars in Africa, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and so on.

We humans do not learn, because we refuse to look at our past. And I understand, it is difficult to look at a period in which you have done the most barbaric things to your fellow man, but if we want real peace in this world, then we will have to stop the war in ourselves. And that can only be done by looking at our past.

When I look at how we live now and how we lived in the past, I choose the past without a doubt. There are many things from the past that I would choose over what we have now. Many things that we have now, I don't need at all. Think for example of a smartphone, a fat bike, SUV's, all those modern additions to our food and drinks, cameras everywhere, telephone masts everywhere that spread their destructive radiation, solar panels, windmills, electric bicycles, all those modern electrical household appliances and I can go on and on. 

 We had time for each other, I didn't have to make an appointment anywhere, I could just walk in. That was the case with family and companies. Most people buy their things online these days, in the past we went shopping and there was also a much larger range of shops. Not only the big chain stores, but also many independent entrepreneurs. You were also not constantly distracted by annoying bells and beeps from your phone, you didn't have those, yes at home there was one on the wall or on the dresser. I definitely didn't have a nice childhood, but we had fun, were always outside and with the little things we had at hand we made something of it.

They say that everything is better in the past. Not everything, but a lot. I wouldn't mind going back to 1960 with the knowledge of today.

 Peter68 © ® 09-06-2024