zondag 22 oktober 2023

Strange times

These are strange times we live in, or do we have nothing more than a dream? You can decide for yourself, but these are and remain strange times. Unfortunately I cannot post videos or photos on this blog because something has been blocked by Blogger.

We're almost at the end of the Celtic year and I can't wait to put it behind me. It was not a bad year, but it was very tough and sometimes difficult. This Celtic year comes to an end with Samhain (October 31, 2023) and I feel a certain amount of excitement for the new Celtic year.

I haven't written as much this year as other years on this blog. This was partly because I suffer from writer's block and partly because I am increasingly unable to express myself in the earthly language Dutch/English. Maybe that is also due to the fact that I am alone 24/7. I rarely see or speak to anyone, I sometimes chat with myself or my guardian angel Ramirez, but those conversations take place on a different level and are therefore often not verbal.

I live an isolated life and every now and then I look at what is going on in the world. It surprises me that people still allow themselves to be played with and divided. How on earth can you go along with those lying stories from the media? Have you still learned nothing from the past 3 years? Please wake up people and stand in your own strength.

Humanity has 4 enemies that it must fight with all its might. The media, big pharma, the government and that unelected layer above, the rich parasites. We are currently living in times of war, and I am not talking about those distracting wars in the Ukraine and Israel, but about the spiritual war that has been going on since 9/11. Then the rich parasites attacked the people and murdered thousands of innocent civilians. Not only in America but also afterwards in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the UK, France and in many other countries with war and terrorist attacks.

In the Netherlands, elections for the House of Representatives will be held in November, another distraction. I'm certainly not going to vote because it's all a charade. Politicians don't care about us and have their own dark agenda that is not in the interest of the country and the people. They are all under the spell of the WEF who want to enslave humanity. In my opinion, they are all traitors who should be tried by a human rights tribunal.

Okay, enough for now. Have a beautiful week, a good Samhain or Halloween and a magical Celtic New Year. For videos of the Weekly Pele Report, I refer you to my Twitter account @Barkum68 until Blogger has resolved the problem with the cookies.

Peter68 © ® 10/22/2023