zondag 17 november 2024

A Global Storm is Coming soon 🌪

I have known about what is in the video below for a few months. I have the nasty habit "for some" of looking ahead and sensing what is coming. The year 2024 was not an easy year, we have gone through many shifts that many do not even know about yet and that is okay. As long as everyone keeps moving along, it is good. Those who do not do so are taken out of the game and may fulfil their tasks elsewhere in the Universe.

What is coming in the coming months will be tough for many "including myself". The utmost will be asked of us both physically and mentally. And it is up to us to do our best to fulfil our tasks here. On 11/01 a door was opened from where very strong energy flows to us. This energy was doubled again on 11/11. Most will have felt or perceived it.

It is now up to us to work/play with that energy in the coming period so that we can plant new seeds for a new earth and let old systems and structures collapse at an ever-increasing pace. Something new can only arise when the old has been completely swept away, so be thorough and ground yourself well.

Pluto has been in opposition to Mars for several weeks now. First in Cancer and now in Leo. This will certainly continue for some time because Pluto does not rotate that quickly and Mars will go retrograde in December. At the same time, Pluto also makes a Trine to Uranus in Taurus. And that will also continue for a while because Uranus is not a fast planet either. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, Mars is the God of war and Uranus is the planet of sudden surprises and revolution.

We have seen a voter revolution in America at the beginning of November where future President Trump not only won the presidency, but also managed to get the majority in both Congress and the Senate. I don't think that has happened since Ronald Reagan. So Trump can govern as he wishes. There are also elections scheduled for next year in Europe. In Germany, possibly in the UK and who knows, maybe even in the Netherlands. And there too, revolutions can take place.

But that's not all. We will also have to work hard on climate/weather in the coming year. Not only for ourselves, but especially for nature. No matter how you look at it, without our nature we are nowhere, then it is simply the end of the story for humanity. I don't think that is what we are waiting for. So what I want to say is, make the right choices in your life. Make them from your heart. Only listen to your intuition and no longer to what others tell you. And by others I mean the media and politics. They have deceived us, lied to us, manipulated us and brought us to the brink of the abyss.

Enjoy listening to the video. 😉

Peter68 © ® 11/17/2024
