donderdag 31 oktober 2024

Samhain 2024

Another year has passed, it has gone by quickly. As I get older, the years seem to pass by faster and faster. So you say December and it is already August. It is of course an illusion, but we have started to live faster, which is why people experience more and more stress.

People have to do more and more in one day. Not only from themselves but also from society. People have to achieve goals and targets in so much time. If you can't do that, there must be something wrong with you. The latter is of course nonsense, but our world is full of all kinds of nonsense, so don't worry about it.

Every person can do a certain number of things in one day. If more is demanded of you and you can't do it, don't let them tell you that there is something wrong with you and please don't let them talk you into taking pills or other junk. Those kinds of things really don't make you perform better, that is a fable or illusion.

The past Celtic year was difficult and was full of all kinds of important transformations on a consciousness level. This process will of course continue. Tomorrow 11/1 is such a day, for example. Then follow 11/11, 11/22, 12/12 and 12/21. These are all important portal days. In addition, the planetary positions provide the necessary energies to help us overcome certain inner obstacles.


On November 20, Pluto leaves Capricorn after 15 years and will then stay in Aquarius for the next 15 years. We will certainly notice this in the change of energy. This will not happen overnight, but for those who pay attention it will certainly become noticeable in the coming months. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and is, together with Mars, Uranus and mini-planet Chiron, a very powerful planet. Incidentally, it will take until October 24, 2255 before Pluto will appear in Capricorn again, Pluto slowly turns its circle around the sun and is also the furthest away from it. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to complete one orbit around our sun.

I will celebrate Samhain today in my own way as I have done for many years with a fire in the garden, good food, a beautiful forest walk and of course gratitude in my heart. The past Celtic year was not easy as I wrote before. But I was able to overcome many inner obstacles. There were also disappointments, one of which deeply touched my heart. ................................................ 💔
But there were also nice and beautiful moments that filled my heart with gratitude and love. The coming Celtic year is once again full of obstacles, challenges and above all opportunities. It will certainly not be an easy year. We will often be shocked by revelations, but it will create a clearer picture for us so that we can take the right steps. Have a blessed Samhain everyone.

Peter68 © ® 31-10-2024