zondag 15 januari 2023

What is the meaning of this?


There I was not knowing what to do
Feeling lonely and a little blue
Surviving in a world so cold and hard
But knowing, I can do this, I am smart

I met many souls from all walks of life
With some I had a bitter strife
But I managed to survive it all
Although some left me feeling small

I've never really understood why I'm here
But I’m almost at my 55th year
I feel like I've been living three or four lives at the same time
And that in itself is not a crime

But I would love to know how, what and why?
I mean, my life was not a lullaby
I've been many times through hell
And that didn’t feel and smell well

I am a rudderless ship floating on the sea of life
And I don’t know what this implies
I have so much to give to all
Only the Universe knows if that should be my goal.

Peter68 © ® 15-01-2023
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