woensdag 12 oktober 2022

20 Million Dead from the Jab, 2.2 Billion Injured – Analyst Estimates

YouTube has unfortunately removed the video because we are not allowed to know the truth. So please click on the link where you can still watch the video.

It's much worse than I thought. 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured from Covid-19 vaccinations. And this is just the beginning. So many people warned that this was going to happen, and yet many people were misled by governments and the media. They were promised that after a vaccination everything would return to "normal" and that everyone would regain their freedom.

But oh, what a lie that was. Covid-19 and the lockdowns are part of a much larger agenda. The UN 2030 Agenda. In ten years time, the aim is to reduce the number of people on earth from 7 billion to 500,000. The very richest buy everything on "land and other valuable things" and thus divide the world among themselves. The 500,000 who are allowed to live will be used as slaves and will have to do whatever the richest want of them.

And I know, many will still laugh at me and think I'm crazy, but if now after 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured your eyes don't open yet, this will never happen. Take another vaccination and a booster I would say. Let yourself be lied to and deceived by governments and media. I don't warn anymore, I have already left that time behind me. If you don't want to listen, just feel. It sounds harsh, but I and many others already warned in 2020 that this would happen, that this was all part of UN agenda 2030. And what do we get in return? We were called crazy, called wappie and we were wearing aluminium hats.

I really have no words for this. It really is as if no one has learned anything from the second world war. Yes I know, I may not compare, but all the signs are there. The government abuses the media, people are incited by the media, entire families and groups of friends are falling apart. Very cleverly played by the governments and the dark forces above them. Divide and conquer as Julius Caesar said. How long are we going to allow this? How many deaths and injuries must there be before we, as a world population, say, enough is enough. It's been long enough for me. I puke from all the systems we are forced to live in. But how long do I have to wait for you?

Peter68 © ® 10/12/2022