donderdag 1 september 2022

How long do I have to wait?

 How long do I have to wait?
How long should I ease the pain and sorrow of others?
In the late 70's I started to understand the game.
In the early 80s I learned what forces were at work.
In the early 90s I tried to influence and soften the game through politics.
In the late 00's I understood that I couldn't do it all alone.
No matter how hard I worked and tried to pull the strings.
It gave me a burnout and eventually cost me my marriage.

Still, I'm proud of everything I've done.
Not for myself but for my fellow man.
I held up mirrors to them, I showed them that things could be done differently.
Simple solutions from the heart are better than all sorts of woolly complicated nonsense.
I have worked unpaid in politics for 15 years for the benefit of my fellow man.
Many have never seen it, many thought I was a strange troublemaker because I saw things from a different side.

I don't care what people think or say about me, that's their opinion, I like to leave it with them.
I know who I am and why I do or say things.
Sometimes that can be hard, but I never say or do things lightly.
It is always out of love that I carry in my heart for humanity.
But how much longer do I have to wait until everyone understands what kind of charade is being performed here?
I am so tired of waiting and so tired of seeing all the pain and sorrow people inflict on each other.
Please open your heart and mind and try to see what I and my brothers and sisters have been seeing for many years.
Wake up please.

Peter68 © ® 01-09-2022