It took a long time. I went through many valleys last fall and winter, but finally there is some light at the end of the tunnel, Spring. It may sound strange to some, but I run on solar energy. Without sunlight, life has no meaning for me, just like life has no meaning without music.
Spring is my favourite season of the year, although I don't mind the summer heat either. But Spring has an extra dimension for me, new life. Young leaves on the trees, flowers and the birds that start looking for a partner and building nests in January.
My heart always lights up completely when the first signs of Spring appear. Then I know that it can't be long before the sun starts shining again, the flowers start blooming and most importantly, the temperature rises again. If there is one thing I don't like, it is cold, snow and ice. Even in the summer I don't eat ice cream because I don't like the cold.
Yes, call me a weirdo or a freak, I don't care, I am who I am and that is 100% real. But now that spring is coming I can start gardening again, dig through mother earth with my bare hands, sow new life for the bees and butterflies that visit my garden every year. The butterflies that always dance beautifully around my butterfly tree and the bees that fly from flower to flower to collect pollen that they turn into honey.
And I, I sit on my chair in the sun enjoying all this beauty. My heart cheers and is open. And every now and then a butterfly or a bee comes to sit on my leg to rest for a while, something that brings me even more joy. No, I don't need expensive, flashy things, nature gives me everything I need.
Peter68 © ® 03/02/2025