donderdag 9 januari 2025

Different point of view

I am different from you. I think, I look, I feel and I hear differently.
Yet we are both people. And in many ways, you are also very different from me. I think that is the most beautiful thing about people. No person is the same, not even twins. We are emotional animals and experience life in a completely unique way. What can be fun for one person can be very painful for another. And because we live on a planet with so many different people, it is sometimes difficult to find the golden mean so that people do not have to feel hurt.

Throughout history, we have come up with all kinds of laws and rules for this, so that we could live together in a peaceful and respectful way. But if you look closely within our society, you will see that the elasticity has gone a bit out of it, that peacefulness and respect for each other's beliefs are increasingly difficult to find. You see this in religion, politics and social debates. Whoever shouts the loudest has the power. And if shouting does not work, you can always threaten with violence in the name of God, Allah or your political beliefs or actually use it to make your opinion heard.

We call this polarization, where the contrast between people/groups becomes stronger and stronger and people therefore increasingly oppose each other. You see this especially in politics, where left-wing and right-wing parties fight each other tooth and nail. What is worst about polarization is that no one really listens to the other anymore because they have already made up their mind and no argument will change their mind. Another thing about polarization, and unfortunately many do not see this, is that the media likes to add fuel to the fire between different groups.

So it is the old game of divide and conquer that is being played. Unfortunately, many still go along with it, but do not realize that in this way they are destroying our society "and therefore also themselves". So try to really listen next time without having a judgment. I know it is difficult, we all have our beliefs and find it difficult to accept a new view or different belief. Yet we can benefit from it. By really listening, showing respect and a little empathy we can get much further. We do not have to always fly at each other's throats for every little thing, we do not solve anything by doing that. And we should definitely ignore the media, they never tell you the truth and are only interested in viewing and listening figures because they generate money. And as we all know, it is all about money and big money is power. The media can make you, but it can also break you.

So listen without judgement, let people explain their point of view, argue each other's points of view in a respectful and civilised manner. Everyone has the right to his/her own truth, so you do not have to agree with each other, but that does not mean you should attack each other. That smells of tyranny and narcissism. Remember that freedom of speech is the most important thing. You do not have to worry about it if someone disagrees with you. It is bad for your heart, general peace of mind and only gives you stress and other problems. So just, let it be.

Peter68 © ® 01/09/2025