donderdag 23 januari 2025

The path of life

Hearts that say more than words
Souls that sing more beautifully than birds
The love that flows from soul to soul
Yeah, for me that's real Rock & Roll

Life is a game that we play
It's definitely not a walk in the hay
We try to control it all
That's why we stumble and fall

Let go of all control
Focus on the stroll
We're meant to learn something and enrich our soul
That way we can achieve our goals

Focus on your path and listen to your intuition
Only in this way can you fulfil your mission
Trust the Universe and yourself
Then you can achieve evolution and inner wealth.

Peter68 © ® 01-23-2025

zondag 19 januari 2025

Dream from the past

When I was a little boy I had a dream that still haunts me to this day. Some information in advance. My mother had died a year earlier and I had recently had a stepmother. She and I were water and fire or rather, fire and fire. We were both Aries. She from the 21st of March and I from the 22nd of March.

I had received a beautiful yellow crane for my birthday that I was very proud of. The rule at home was, if something has been outside, it is not allowed to come back inside. I do not know why that was. So I had to put the crane in the garage that opened directly onto the street. My father also had his car there.

One day I came downstairs to play with my crane, the garage door was open, my father had left with the car and my crane had disappeared. I went to tell my stepmother in tears. She got angry with me and said that I was not careful enough with my things. Not that I had much then. We were poor and the crane was the first thing I had gotten in years. I was punished and had to stay in my room for the rest of the day, without food or drink.

That same night I had a dream. I walked downstairs to the garage looking for my crane, but I didn't see it. So I walked outside. There I saw my stepbrother and also my crane standing by the garbage cans. The garbage truck was coming, so I quickly walked to my crane to grab it before it disappeared into the garbage truck.

At the moment I wanted to grab the crane, the garbage man was with us and asked my stepbrother if everything had to go? My stepbrother answered yes, my mother ordered it. Before I could say anything, the garbage man picked me and my crane up and threw me in the garbage truck. I was furious and cursed my stepbrother and his mother. At that moment the press came down to push all the garbage forward. And where on one side was the press I saw on the other side big sharp knives to make the garbage smaller. I had to jump for my life to avoid being grabbed by one of those knives.

Then I woke up from this nightmare and cried softly. I dreamed this dream for three nights in a row but never told my father or stepmother. They didn't understand me anyway, so why bring even more misery on myself? Later in life I understood the message of this terrible dream. Stepmother didn't want me because I was different. I didn't fit into her picture of a happy family.

I was rebellious, always went my own way, when I was punished "for example standing in the corner for a few hours" I laughed at my father and stepmother, I wasn't interested in school, didn't recognize stepmother as a mother and I always had arguments with stepbrother "he was a Scorpio and got me into trouble many times which resulted in me being punished". To this day I am very careful with people who are Scorpio, I don't trust them.

A year later I was placed in a children's home. I had lost both my mother and my father in two years. I felt betrayed by both my father and my mother. I did not yet know what death meant and no one wanted to explain it to me. It was not until I was 8 years old that an uncle of mine took me to the cemetery where my mother's grave was. It was only then that I understood what death meant. When I was placed in the children's home I fell into a very deep depression from which I did not recover until I was about 11 years old.

Why am I writing about this dream NOW? It suddenly surfaced again. Apparently I still have to do something with it, although I don't know what. Maybe it is a kind of separation anxiety that I sometimes have that makes me feel lonely. I am generally alone 24/7, something I don't mind, I chose that myself. That way I can work on myself best without being distracted by others all the time. Not that I don't like other people or don't want them to be with me. I just work best on my own. I am "as the Germans so nicely call it" ein Einzelgänger, a loner or lone wolf.

Peter68 © ® 19-01-2025

Liefde - Love

(For English scroll down)

Eens was de liefde zo simpel
Zo simpel als een denkrimpel
Maar de tijden zijn voorbij
Net als het geluk in een loterij

We leven in roerige en snellere tijden
Waarin we elkaar zoveel mogelijk proberen te mijden
Alleen voor snelle platte seks zijn we nog te porren
Dan gaan vele nog als katten knorren

Wat is er met ons gebeurd en ons aangedaan?
Hoe kunnen we in hemelsnaam nog zo bestaan?
Eens waren we liefdevolle gepassioneerde mensen
Nu is onze geest leeg en hebben we alleen nog maar volle pensen

We zijn over een bepaalde grens heen gegaan
Nu worden we bedreigt in ons bestaan
Hoe kunnen we in hemelsnaam het tij keren?
Hoe kunnen we weer gepassioneerde liefde leren?

Ik zie zoveel mensen worstelen met hun bestaan
Vele weten niet naar waar ze moeten gaan?
Als slapende zielen slepen zij zich voort
Wandelen al kijkend op hun telefoon van oord naar oord

Ik zou deze mensen zo graag willen helpen
Doch ik heb zelf ook nog wat wonden om te stelpen
Velen mogen denken dat ik ben verlicht
Maar ik worstel zelf ook nog wel eens met het donker en het licht

Peter68 © ® 19-01-2025


Love used to be so simple
As simple as a thought wrinkle
But those times are over
Just like luck in a lottery

We live in turbulent and accelerated times
In which we try to avoid each other as much as possible
We are only interested in quick, casual sex
Then many of them start to growl like cats

What happened to us and what has been done to us?
How the hell can we still exist like this?
Once we were loving passionate people
Now our minds are empty and we only have full bellies

We have crossed a certain boundary
Now we are threatened in our existence
How can we possibly turn the tide?
How can we learn to love passionately again?

I see so many people struggling with their existence
Many do not know where to go?
Like sleeping souls they drag themselves along
Walking from place to place while looking at their phone

I would love to help these people
But I still have some wounds to heal myself
Many may think that I am enlightened
But I sometimes struggle with the dark and the light myself.

Peter68 © ® 01/19/2025

zondag 12 januari 2025

Energieën - Energies

(For English scroll down)

Energieën komen en gaan
Energieën waar je soms even stil bij moet staan
Energieën vertellen je wat is en gaat komen
Energieën willen stromen

Wij als mensen zijn niet echt meer in contact met de natuur
Vele kennen niet meer de betekenis van het element vuur
Wij dienen niet meer onze hogere zijn
We hebben het contact verloren met de kosmische lijn

Het is het materialisme wat wij dienen
Dit doet ons soms grienen
Diep vanbinnen voelen wij dat gat in ons hart
Dit gat maakt ons soms verward

We weten dat we iets missen
Doch, de maatschappij maakt ons wijs dat we ons vergissen
Die moedigt ons aan om nog meer nodeloze spullen te kopen
De waarheid is, het materialisme is ons aan het slopen

Je kunt het gat in je hart niet helen met spiegeltjes en kralen
Als je dat doet moet je een steeds hogere prijs betalen
Alleen de natuur en de kosmische verbinding kunnen ons echt helen
En dus moeten we weer het kosmische spel gaan spelen

We moeten ons weer gaan verdiepen is de werking van de natuur
De natuur is zo liefdevol en puur
Herstel ook weer de kosmische lijn
Je zal jezelf heel dankbaar zijn

Laat je niet langer leven door het materialisme
Laat los al dat hebberige egoïsme
Keer terug naar je werkelijke zijn
Heel en verlos jezelf van alle verdriet en pijn.

Peter68 © ® 12-01-2025


Energies come and go
Energies that you sometimes have to stop and think about
Energies tell you what is and what is to come
Energies want to flow

We as humans are no longer really in touch with nature
Many no longer know the meaning of the element fire
We no longer serve our higher being
We have lost contact with the cosmic line

It is materialism that we serve
This sometimes makes us cry
Deep inside we feel that hole in our heart
This hole sometimes makes us confused

We know that we are missing something
Yet, society makes us believe that we are wrong
It encourages us to buy even more unnecessary stuff
The truth is, materialism is destroying us

You cannot heal the hole in your heart with mirrors and beads
If you do that, you have to pay an ever higher price
Only nature and the cosmic connection can really heal us
And so we have to start playing the cosmic game again

We have to deepening again is the working of nature
Nature is so loving and pure
Restore the cosmic line
You will be very grateful to yourself

Do not let yourself live by materialism any longer
Let go of all that greedy egoism
Return to your true being
Heal and free yourself from all sorrow and pain.

Peter68 © ® 01/12/2025

donderdag 9 januari 2025

Different point of view

I am different from you. I think, I look, I feel and I hear differently.
Yet we are both people. And in many ways, you are also very different from me. I think that is the most beautiful thing about people. No person is the same, not even twins. We are emotional animals and experience life in a completely unique way. What can be fun for one person can be very painful for another. And because we live on a planet with so many different people, it is sometimes difficult to find the golden mean so that people do not have to feel hurt.

Throughout history, we have come up with all kinds of laws and rules for this, so that we could live together in a peaceful and respectful way. But if you look closely within our society, you will see that the elasticity has gone a bit out of it, that peacefulness and respect for each other's beliefs are increasingly difficult to find. You see this in religion, politics and social debates. Whoever shouts the loudest has the power. And if shouting does not work, you can always threaten with violence in the name of God, Allah or your political beliefs or actually use it to make your opinion heard.

We call this polarization, where the contrast between people/groups becomes stronger and stronger and people therefore increasingly oppose each other. You see this especially in politics, where left-wing and right-wing parties fight each other tooth and nail. What is worst about polarization is that no one really listens to the other anymore because they have already made up their mind and no argument will change their mind. Another thing about polarization, and unfortunately many do not see this, is that the media likes to add fuel to the fire between different groups.

So it is the old game of divide and conquer that is being played. Unfortunately, many still go along with it, but do not realize that in this way they are destroying our society "and therefore also themselves". So try to really listen next time without having a judgment. I know it is difficult, we all have our beliefs and find it difficult to accept a new view or different belief. Yet we can benefit from it. By really listening, showing respect and a little empathy we can get much further. We do not have to always fly at each other's throats for every little thing, we do not solve anything by doing that. And we should definitely ignore the media, they never tell you the truth and are only interested in viewing and listening figures because they generate money. And as we all know, it is all about money and big money is power. The media can make you, but it can also break you.

So listen without judgement, let people explain their point of view, argue each other's points of view in a respectful and civilised manner. Everyone has the right to his/her own truth, so you do not have to agree with each other, but that does not mean you should attack each other. That smells of tyranny and narcissism. Remember that freedom of speech is the most important thing. You do not have to worry about it if someone disagrees with you. It is bad for your heart, general peace of mind and only gives you stress and other problems. So just, let it be.

Peter68 © ® 01/09/2025

woensdag 8 januari 2025

I care

Everything below is in no particular order.

I care about Me,
I care about You,
I care about Love,
I care about Respect,
I care about Harmony,
I care about Nature,
I care about the Universe,
I care about Peace,
I care about Freedom,
I care about Sovereignty,
I care about Intimacy,
I care about Women,
I care about Children,
I care about Beauty,
I care about the Earth,
I care about Animals,
I care about the Sun,
I care about the Moon, Planets and Stars,
I care about Music,
I care about Real Healthy Food,
I care about Hygiene,
I care about Empathy,
I care about Peace of Mind,
I care about Evolution,
I care about the Lessons we learn here,
I care about Things that make people happy or unhappy,
I care about the Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth,
I care about Real Education,
I care about listening without judgement,
I care about laughter,
I care about History,
I care about Spirituality,
I care about Andromeda,
I care about herbs,
I care about Gemstones,
I care about cuddling,
I care about my soul sisters and my brother,
I care about communication,
I care about colour,
I care about health,
I care about holistic health care,
I care about frequencies,
I care about energy,
I care about consciousness,
I care about thoughtfulness,
I care about books,
I care about art,
I care about living in harmony with nature,
I care about everything that can make a human life beautiful,
I care about life, but I also care about the physical death.

Peter68 01/08/2025