zondag 27 november 2022


 There is a very old legend that tells us the following. Once every 12,000 years, all the planets in our galaxy leave their normal orbits to align together. The Moon also then leaves its normal orbit and comes very close to the Earth. Like a large spaceship she hovers very close above the earth and seems to crash.

When all the planets line up with our Sun, the sun explodes. Gases and dust are flung into space with tremendous force. All planets will be hit by these explosive forces and will change everything.

Do not think this is a myth, it has happened several times. Evidence of this has been found on the Moon, Earth and Mars. Glass was found on the moon, on the earth there is also a lot of other scientific evidence in addition to cave drawings. Even sacred books such as the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls talk about these things.

Scientists have given names to these events from the distant past. There is the Gothenburg event 12,000 and 13,000 years ago, Lake Mungo 24,000 and 28,000 years ago, Mono Lake between 41,000 and 46,000 years ago, Laschamp about 60,000 years ago, the Greenland/Vostok and the Toba event about 72,000 year ago.

12,000 years have now passed and it is time for another cosmic event where our sun blows its outer coat into space. The earth will be hit by all kinds of gases, UV and gamma radiation, but also by meteorites. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and giant tsunamis will affect everything and everyone. only a half to a million people are expected to survive this. Life after that will be hard and many will die of disease and hunger. The human race will be on the verge of extinction.

In all previous events, humans managed to survive and I expect this to happen again. We are the descendants of the survivors of that time. Still, I wonder how many will actually survive since most people today can't do anything without their beloved technology. Everything will have to be learned and reinvented. One has a chance to build a better and new world, so make it a good one, where love, harmony and freedom reign. Learn from the past and don't make the same stupid mistakes.

If you want to know more about this subject, watch the channel Suspicious observers on YouTube.

Peter68 © ® 27-11-2022