vrijdag 24 december 2021

When Was Jesus REALLY born??


Since childhood I have always doubted the birth of Jesus on December 25th. As I got older and started researching, I found that my doubts were justified. I passed many pieces that talked about the birth of Jesus. Some suggested his birth date was September 20, others mentioned June 21 and July 21. Finally I came across a piece that talked about March 20 in the year 6 BC something that this rabbi is also talking about. This Rabbi also explains it perfectly on the basis of the Tanakh, the Jewish Bible.

In this world full of lies, another lie has been solved. Every day we are lied to by governments, the media, academia, schools, banks and corporations. Most people take it all for sweet cake. This is how people become programmed and indoctrinated. Almost everything you hear, see or read in this world is lied and/or fabricated. That happens to influence you as a person. You have never really been free, unfortunately that too is a lie. Most of us have always lived under the assumption that they lived in a free democracy, unfortunately a lie. You lived in a makable society in which governments and companies prepared you from birth to serve them. More on this soon.

Peter68 © ® 24-12-2021